Test concerning: Communication of parents with professionals and teachers What are parents who excessively control their child called: a) flying b) controllers c) helicopter d) crisis The extreme definition of overprotection considers it as: a) toxicity b) psychological violence c) strange way of raising a child d) the correct way of raising a child Replacing the child in everyday activities is evidenced by the following behaviors: a) overprotective b) caring c) ignoring d) supporting What an overprotective parent says to a child: a) don’t climb that tree, you’ll fall b) be careful when climbing a tree c) hold on to the branch tightly and climb slowly d) enter carefully, you can do it What age of the child is affected by overprotection on the part of the parent: a) childhood b) school age c) a child of any age d) adulthood A child raised by an overprotective parent usually: a) is open to learning b) is timid and withdrawn, does not take up challenges c) tolerates stress well d) tries to cope with challenges on its own A parent who is overprotective often does not allow the child to: a) to meet physiological needs independently b) for free expression and fun with peers c) for telephone calls d) to think about holidays Lack of independence and anxiety disorders may result from: a) concerns b) frequent hugs c) ignoring d) overprotection Statistically, most of the people who are over-cared for are: a) fathers b) grandmothers c) mothers d) grandparents The proper task of a parent in raising a child is: a) taking over b) being responsible for the child (if the question was addressed to the child) c) determining the path of life d) supporting and motivating