1. What is one common misconception about sex education?
    a) It is always included in the school curriculum.
    b) Adults, including educators, are typically confident in this area.
    c) It is primarily focused on physical health.
    d) It is often a source of jokes and belittlement.
  2. What is the primary role of the family in school sex education?
    a) To guarantee that it will not be taboo.
    b) To ensure that children acquire subjectively and socially desirable knowledge.
    c) To implement sex education solely at their discretion.
    d) To have its center of gravity in sex education.
  3. In families with children with special needs, when is sexual education often addressed?
    a) Only when there is a problem with the child’s behavior.
    b) During the child’s early childhood.
    c) When parents feel ready to discuss it openly.
    d) When it is included in the school curriculum.
  4. What is one barrier that parents of children with disabilities face regarding sexuality?
    a) Lack of access to educational materials.
    b) Overconfidence in their ability to address sexual education.
    c) Fear of seeking specialized help.
    d) Inadequate concern about their child’s sexuality.
  5. What social competencies should parents focus on teaching their children?
    a) Mathematical skills.
    b) Handwriting techniques.
    c) Proper hygiene practices.
    d) Principles in access to privacy.
  6. What is emphasized as the most effective prevention of problems related to sexuality in the future?
    a) Introduction of clear and uniform rules.
    b) Mechanical memorization of information.
    c) Avoidance of discussing sensitive topics.
    d) Strict control over children’s social interactions.
  7. What obstacle do parents face regarding the training of teaching staff in sexuality topics?
    a) Lack of certified professional seminars.
    b) Systematic inclusion of sexuality topics in undergraduate training.
    c) Consistent preparation of teachers in addressing sexual topics.
    d) Sufficient resources for expanding qualifications.