Test on the topic: Parents’ communication with professionals and educators

  1. Does the lack of parents’ acceptance of the fact that their child has a disability result in barriers to communication with specialists?
    a) This has a significant impact
    b) It does not matter
    c) It has a minimal impact
  2. When is communication and cooperation between parents and specialists possible?
    a) In the shock phase
    b) In the phase of apparent adjustment
    c) In the phase of constructive adjustment
  3. Does the emotional crisis of parents of a child with a disability affect communication with specialists and real help for the child?
    a) Affects 100%
    b) There is no influence
    c) Communication with specialists takes place regardless of the psychological burden of the parents of a child with a disability
  4. Mental crisis, lack of acceptance and long-term stress affecting parents of a disabled child may lead to:
    a) Depression, anxiety, psychosomatic disorders
    b) Parents’ feelings related to their child’s disability do not influence the parents’ neurotic or anxiety states
  5. To what extent does communication, parents’ internal dialogue and acceptance of a child with a disability influence the child’s functioning and communication with specialists?
    a) IN 100%
    b) 50%
    c) There is no influence
  6. Starting therapy and seeking psychological help for parents of a disabled child is a key moment in the functioning of the entire family.
    a) Yes
    b) NO
    c) Therapy and psychological assistance have no connection with the functionality of the family of a disabled child
  7. At what point in a child’s life should the therapy recommended by specialists be introduced?
    a) When the child is ready to use the classes
    b) From the earliest period indicated by the team of specialists
    c) With the start of preschool education
  8. Methods of pedagogical and therapeutic work with a disabled child:
    a) They support development and are an opportunity to compensate for the child’s developmental deficits
    b) They do not reduce the child’s disability
    c) They do not bring the intended results in therapeutic and pedagogical work with a disabled child
  9. Documentation: a decision on the need for special education, IEPT, WOPFU are documents showing how to work with a child and indicating the types of therapies needed. Do they matter when it comes to equalizing development opportunities?
    a) This is how they support the therapeutic process
    b) They have no significant significance
  10. What parental attitudes support the therapeutic success of a child with a disability?
    a) communication based on cooperation and collaboration, trust, consistency, adherence to established rules and compliance with developed rules between the therapist and the child’s parents
    b) protective attitude
    c) the parents’ attitude does not influence their child’s therapy